Management of the training process in cross-country orienteering on the basis of typical model characteristics of competitive activity and special preparation of the necessary norms


  • Voronov Yu.S. Smolensk State University of Sports
  • Obvintsev A.A. Smolensk State University of Sports
  • Gurskiy A.V. Smolensk State University of Sports
  • Efremenkov K.N. Smolensk State University of Sports


management of the training process, cross-country types of sports orientation, components of special preparation, model characteristics.


Objective of the study was to experimental justification of the methodical management of the training process of young orienteering athletes based on the use of typical model characteristics of competitive activity and special preparation of proper norms.

Methods and structure of the study. Scientific and methodical literature, reports and planning documents were analyzed in the scientific work. Also, a survey was conducted, in which qualified sportsmen (MS-CMS), specializing in cross-country orienteering, and coaches of various categories took part.

Results and conclusions. Developed and theoretically justified model characteristics for athletes 13-18 years old, specializing in running orienteering. The implementation of the obtained model characteristics in the activities of sports schools allowed to significantly increase the effectiveness of the formation of technical and tactical mastery of orienteering athletes at various stages of the long-term training process.

Author Biographies

Voronov Yu.S. , Smolensk State University of Sports

Dr. Hab., Professor

Obvintsev A.A. , Smolensk State University of Sports

Dr. Hab., Professor

Gurskiy A.V. , Smolensk State University of Sports

Dr. Hab., Professor

Efremenkov K.N. , Smolensk State University of Sports

Dr. Hab., Professor


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How to Cite

Voronov Yu.S., Obvintsev A.A., Gurskiy A.V., & Efremenkov K.N. (2024). Management of the training process in cross-country orienteering on the basis of typical model characteristics of competitive activity and special preparation of the necessary norms. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, (6), 9–12. Retrieved from

