Wave simulators as a means of preventing covid-19


  • N.G. Mikhailov Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
  • PhD E.A. Lubyshev Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
  • M.F. Agashin School No. 2044, Moscow
  • A.I. Kavokin School No. 2044, Moscow


wave simulators, training effect, prevention and rehabilitation of covid-19.


Objective of the study was to scientific substantiation of physical culture means for the prevention of the incidence of covid-19 in children and youth. Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved children aged six to ten who attended elementary school and kindergarten No. 1604. Pedagogical impact was aimed at identifying the results of classes with wave simulators. Indicators of pulse, arterial pressure, physical development and physical fitness were determined.
Results and conclusions. As the study showed, physical activity with children aged 6-10 years using wave simulators
has a positive effect on hemodynamics, which is expressed in a significant (p<0.05) decrease in heart rate and systolic pressure at rest, within the age norm; unreliable increase in indicators of physical development (p>0.05); a significant
increase in the development of physical qualities (p<0.05).
The results of the study testify to the health-improving effect of training with wave simulators, the economization of the indicators of the cardiovascular system, as well as the development of the basic physical qualities of children from 6 to 10 years old.

Author Biographies

N.G. Mikhailov, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow

PhD, Associate Professor

M.F. Agashin, School No. 2044, Moscow



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Agashin F.K. Biomekhanicheskij rezonans i vozmozhnosti ego ispolzovaniya v medicine [Biomechanical resonance and the possibilities of its use in medicine]. Kazanskij medicinskij zhurnal. 1975. No. 2. pp. 64-67.

Baranov A.A. Sostoyanie zdorovya detej i podrostkov v sovremennyh usloviyah: problemy i puti resheniya [The state of health of children and adolescents in modern conditions: problems and solutions]. Rosijskij pediatr. zhurnal.1998. No. 1. pp. 5-8.

Mikhailov N.G. Proektirovanie informacionno-obrazovatel'nogo prostranstva v sisteme fizicheskogo vospitaniya [Designing information and educational space in the system of physical education]. Moscow: MGPU, Teler publ., 2012. 216 p.

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05-04-2022 — Updated on 07-04-2022


How to Cite

Mikhailov, N. ., Lubyshev, P. E. ., Agashin, M. ., & Kavokin, A. . (2022). Wave simulators as a means of preventing covid-19. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, (4), 45–48. Retrieved from http://tpf1610220.nichost.ru/index.php/TPPC/article/view/186 (Original work published April 5, 2022)

