model, physical abilities, testing, gift manifestations, competitive exercise.Abstract
Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate and analyze benefits of a combined general/ special sports gifts test system for children that factors in every genetic, anthropometric, functional, psychological and motor factor of importance for the sports selection, promotion and progress.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was run at the Sports Gifted Children Test, Selection and Follow-up Center of Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health in St. Petersburg. The combined general/ special sports gifts test system for children was designed to test and analyze every genetic, anthropometric, functional, psychological and motor factor of importance for the sports selection and progress in the Primary Selection Model implementation Project.
Results and conclusion. For the further Primary Selection Model scaling and application purposes, we would recommend the tests that not necessarily require high technical skills for success in the tests albeit still produce dependable physical fitness test data. We selected the most objective.
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