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Competency-building natural scientific training model for bachelor of physical education


  • L.A. Osadchaya Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk


natural scientific training, natural scientific knowledgebase, integration, world view, natural scientific worldview, competency-building approach, system approach, critical thinking.


Objective of the study was to analyze progress of the natural scientific training service in the bachelor of physical education training system in the context of the new Federal State Higher Education Standards.

Methods and structure. We analyzed the modern bachelor of physical education training service modernization trends versus variations in the bachelor of physical education natural scientific training standards and requirements.

The natural scientific training content with the learning materials was designed at the university based on the modern post-non-classical paradigm.

Results and conclusion. Modern bachelor of physical education natural scientific training service is known to heavily contribute to the individual worldview formation and personality progress agendas, and this is the key reason why the academic communities give a special priority to every issue of this service. The natural scientific training service model offered by Yekaterinburg Institute of physical culture affiliated with Ural State University of Physical Culture has proven beneficial for the systemic informed critical thinking skills formation mission, conditional on a good integration of the learning materials with a special attention to the humanitarian and natural sciences knowledge harmonization/ synergizing aspects.

Author Biography

L.A. Osadchaya, Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk

PhD, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Osadchaya, . L. . (2021). Competency-building natural scientific training model for bachelor of physical education. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, (11), 24–26. Retrieved from

