sport, athlete, monitoring, individual psychological state of the athlete.Abstract
Objective of the study was to substantiate the effectiveness of the use of express methods for monitoring the individual state of athletes in order to improve performance through timely correction of conditions.
Methods and structure of the study. An experimental study of the assessment of the psychological state of athletes specializing in hockey was carried out using express methods for monitoring the state. The contingent of the study was 27 people - young men in 2007, involved in hockey, members of the national team of the Ural Federal District. Testing was carried out with the help of psychodiagnostic methods of the computer complex AKME LLC "Scientific and applied center "AKME" (LLC "SAC "AKME"). The composition of the methods is determined by the specifics of sports activities.
Results and conclusions. The indicators of the individual psychological state of athletes were calculated: the total deviation from the autogenous norm, the vegetative coefficient, anxiety and performance factors. The indicator of unproductive tension of athletes is characteristic of only 7.4% of the sample. 88.9% of athletes show a tendency towards even use of energy costs. An increased level of anxiety was found only in 7.4% of the subjects. The level of stability of the individual psychological state is typical for 92.6% of the sample. The conducted research confirms the adequacy of the selection of test material for the monitoring system, taking into account the specifics of the implemented sports activities.
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