basketball, students, general physical fitness, special physical fitness, circulatory system, adaptive capacity.Abstract
Objective of the study was to determine the level of physical fitness and the level of functioning of the circulatory system of the body of foreign students involved in basketball.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved Russian (n=32) and foreign students (n=24) of the 1st year who have been involved in basketball for at least three years. To determine the general and special physical fitness, the tests of the RUDN University physical culture program for the "basketball" specialization were used. To determine the adaptive capacity of the cardiovascular system, blood pressure, heart rate, and adaptive potential (AP) were used.
Results and conclusions. Foreign students have poorly developed speed-strength abilities. In Russian and foreign students, there is a tension in the adaptive processes of the circulatory system; it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of general endurance, strength in both Russian and foreign students in basketball lessons. Foreign students are recommended to additionally perform exercises to develop speed and speed-strength endurance. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the state of the cardiovascular system of students involved in basketball. With indicators of the circulatory system indicating a breakdown in adaptive capabilities, students should be recommended an additional medical examination.
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