Assessment of the level of physical fitness of youth of student age in the format of GTO standards


  • Skotnikova A.V. Moscow City University
  • Aleksandrova V.A. Moscow City University
  • Serikova Yu.N. Moscow City University
  • Ovchinnikov V.I. Moscow City University

Ключевые слова:

VFSK GTO, youth of student age, physical education and sports, physical fitness.


Objective of the study was to assess the level of physical fitness of youth of student age 18-19 years old according to the GTO standards.

Methods and structure of the study. Boys and girls aged 18-19 years who are not athletes took part in the scientific work. Testing included an assessment according to GTO standards. The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex GTO includes a comprehensive assessment and is the basis for monitoring the physical fitness of the population of various age groups.

Results and conclusions. The problem of physical fitness of student-age youth does not lose its relevance from year to year, the obtained testing data according to the GTO standards only confirm this: low level of endurance - 100% of young men will not pass this standard; Of the girls, only 50% will be able to pass the standard; the level of strength abilities of young men according to the standard «pull-ups from hanging on a high bar» is assessed as low - only one of the subjects will be able to pass it; among girls, only 20 people will be able to pass the standard «flexion and extension of the arms while lying on the floor»; according to the standard assessing the level of flexibility, among young men only 2 people were able to fulfill the standard; among girls, 70% were able to pass this standard, but the average value for the group is only 8,8 ± 3,4 cm, which corresponds only to the bronze badge; according to the standing long jump standard among boys, only 30% received a positive result; among girls, 80% have a positive result, however, the average value of 169,5 ± 17,5 cm indicates that they received only a bronze badge.

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Skotnikova A.V., Aleksandrova V.A., Serikova Yu.N., & Ovchinnikov V.I. (2024). Assessment of the level of physical fitness of youth of student age in the format of GTO standards. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, (9), 56–58. извлечено от




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