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  • G.N. Ponomarev Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg
  • E.N. Komissarova Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia; St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg
  • P.V. Rodichkin Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg
  • K.G. Zelensky Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute, Stavropol

Ключевые слова:

somatotype, children and adolescents, morphofunctional features, motor development, motor qualities, muscle morphometry.


Objective of the study was to evaluate the relationship between the motor development of children and adolescents and the body type and their morphofunctional features.

Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved 1415 children aged 4-7, 25 schoolchildren aged 7(8) to 10 years and 45 teenagers aged 11-16 playing handball. The work used: anthropometry according to P.N. Bashkirov and somatotyping according to R.N. Dorokhov, tapping test and RMO, assessment of morphometric parameters of the muscles of the lower extremities "MORFOMETR", digital dermatoglyphics according to the method of T.F. Abramova, bioimpedance analysis and a battery of motor tests.

Results and conclusions. A correlation was established between the development of the physical qualities of children of different ages and their body types. In addition, the dependence of somatotypes and morphometric parameters of the muscles of the upper and lower extremities, the speed of muscle contraction and indicators of digital dermatoglyphics, as well as hereditary predisposition, has been established.

Библиографические ссылки

Abramova T.F. Paltsevaya dermatoglifika i fizicheskiye sposobnosti [Finger dermatoglyphics and physical abilities]. PhD diss. abstract. Moscow, 2003. 51 p.

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Komissarova E.N., Ponomarev G.N., Rodichkin P.V. Dvigatelnaya aktivnost zhenshchin i muzhchin zrelogo vozrasta s uchetom tipa teloslozheniya i nozologii [Motor activity of women and men of mature age, taking into account body type and nosology]. St. Petersburg: SPbGETU «LETI» publ., 2020. 143 p.

Komissarova E.N., Saykina E.G., Shchurpach M.V. Differentsirovannyy podkhod k razvitiyu dvigatelnykh sposobnostey u detey 7-8 let na urokakh fizicheskoy kultury na osnove ucheta tipa teloslozheniya [A differentiated approach to the development of motor abilities in children aged 7-8 years at physical education lessons based on body type]. St. Petersburg: SPbGETU «LETI» publ., 2022. 144 p.

Kostov F.F., Ponomarev G.N., Rodichkin P.V. Korrektsiya fizicheskoy rabotosposobnosti zanimayushchikhsya fizicheskoy kulturoy i sportom [Correction of physical performance of those involved in physical culture and sports]. St. Petersburg: SPbGETU «LETI» publ., 2022. 219 p.

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Как цитировать

Ponomarev, G. ., Komissarova, E. ., Rodichkin, P. ., & Zelensky, K. . (2023). RELATIONSHIP OF MOTOR DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS WITH BODY TYPE AND MORPHOFUNCTIONAL FEATURES. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, (3). извлечено от http://tpf1610220.nichost.ru/index.php/TPPC/article/view/491

