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  • A.A. Peredelskiy Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University, Moscow
  • V.N. Akhapkin Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University, Moscow
  • A.N. Malinin Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University, Moscow
  • Sorokin D.V. Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University

Ключевые слова:

innovative approaches, physical culture, professional and applied section, universities.


Objective of the study is the scientific and theoretical substantiation of the professionally applied section of physical culture at the university, based on martial arts.

Methods and structure of the study. Within the framework of the scientific experiment, the curriculum was supplemented with a professional-applied section aimed at the formation of applied knowledge, the development of skills and abilities of a practical orientation, as well as the education of the leading psychophysical, social and personal qualities of future specialists. Various types of martial arts act as an effective means of high school professionally applied physical culture.

In the course of the study, a survey and an experiment were conducted, in which students of the Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University, divided into control and experimental groups of 20 people each. The control group was engaged in the traditional curriculum in physical culture, the experimental group - in the innovative program with the inclusion of an applied section related to martial arts.

Results and conclusions. As the results of the study showed, an innovative curriculum aimed at using martial arts technologies based on spiritual historical practices, transferring the elements of motor actions of martial artists into the physical readiness of future specialists, allows you to effectively form applied knowledge, skills, and educate psychophysical, social and personal qualities.

Библиографические ссылки

Balsevich V.K. Konversiya vysokikh tekhnologiy sportivnoy vospitaniya i sporta dlya vsekh [Conversion of high technologies in sports education and sports for all]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 1993. No. 4. pp. 21-23.

Konikov S.L., Peredelskiy A.A., Orishev A.B. et al. Sotsialnyy kontekst razvitiya boyevykh iskusstv i yedinoborstv v sovremennoy Rossii [The social context of the development of martial arts and martial arts in modern Russia]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2022. No. 7. pp. 50-52.

Lubysheva L.I., Romanovich V.A. Sportivnaya kultura v starshikh klassakh obrazovatelnoy shkoly [Sports culture in the senior classes of the educational school]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury i sporta. Moscow, 2011. 240 p.

Lubysheva L.I. et al. Sportizatsiya v sisteme fizicheskogo vospitaniya: ot nauchnoy idei k innovatsionnoy praktike [Sportization in the system of physical education: from scientific idea to innovative practice]. Moscow: Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury i sporta publ., 2017. 200 p.

Mandzyak A.S. Boyevyye iskusstva Yevropy [Martial arts of Europe]. Minsk: Sovremennoye slovo publ., 2005. 352 p.

Matveev L.P. [General theory of sports and its applied aspects]. Textbook for universities of physical culture.5th ed., corr., add. Moscow: Sovetskiy sport publ., 2010. 340 p.

Peredelskiy A.A., Vitkevich N.N., Konikov S.L. et al. Boyevoye prikladnoye dvizheniye [Fighting motion]. Bryansk, 2011. 200 p.

Дополнительные файлы


2023-04-18 — Обновлена 2023-10-07


Как цитировать

Peredelskiy, A. ., Akhapkin, V. ., Malinin, A. ., & Sorokin D.V. (2023). INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO IMPROVEMENT OF THE PROFESSIONAL AND APPLIED SECTION OF PHYSICAL CULTURE IN UNIVERSITY USING MEANS OF SINGLE COMBATS. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, (1), 74–76. извлечено от http://tpf1610220.nichost.ru/index.php/TPPC/article/view/520 (Original work published 18 апрель 2023 г.)




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