Mediatization of physical education in digital form for children


  • A.N. Teplyashina Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg

Ключевые слова:

physical culture, children's audience, digital space, mediatization, content.


Objective of the study was to determine the key characteristics of the functioning of the discourse on physical education and sports in children's magazines in the digital environment, taking into account the changed practices of media consumption of the young generation.

Methods and structure of the study. A selection of publications based on sports discourse has been formed. An audit of the websites of children's publications, as well as their pages on social networks, was carried out according to the developed algorithm.

Results and conclusions. It is proved that the analysis of children's digital popular science magazines is closely related to the development of criteria for differentiating their media educational potential, which necessitates the acquisition and analysis of empirical data on the functioning of this segment of online journalism in the aspect of information preparation of the children's audience for physical education classes. It has been determined that there are practically no specialized magazines for children devoted to physical culture and sports. However, the topic itself is present in popular science magazines, which are divided into universal and specialized, that is, thematic, among which, in turn, popular science stands out (with essays on the history of physical culture, sports, stories of sports records, biographies of famous athletes), and literary (for example, stories about school physical education lessons). They combine interesting visuals, photographic material, an easy-to-read layout, and content that stays relevant for a long time.

Библиографические ссылки

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Дополнительные файлы


2023-07-08 — Обновлена 2023-07-08


Как цитировать

A.N. Teplyashina. (2023). Mediatization of physical education in digital form for children. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, (5), 72–75. извлечено от

