Formation of self-organization skills of future trainers based on a synergic approach


  • Kolyada M.G. Donetsk State University, Donetsk, Russian Federation
  • Gorbachev S.S. Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow
  • Belykh S.I. Donetsk State University, Donetsk, Russian Federation
  • Donichenko E.Yu. Donetsk State University, Donetsk, Russian Federation

Ключевые слова:

skills formation, self-organization, future trainers, synergetic approach.


Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate the formation of self-organization skills of future coaches based on a synergetic approach.

Methods and structure of the study. Analysis of the training process based on a synergetic approach is presented as a complexly organized system, within the framework of which conditions for self-learning, self-development, self-realization, etc. are created. Training during training becomes interactive, and the trainer-teacher and the student learn from each other.

Results and conclusions. Features of the activity of a teacher (trainer-teacher) within the framework of the synergetic approach are that he must:

- create a stimulating learning environment that will allow future trainers to develop their self-organization skills;

- use productive teaching methods that activate the participation of future trainers in the process of self-organization;

- act as a facilitator who supports and guides the process of self-organization of future trainers;

- take into account the individual needs and characteristics of each future coach in order to create a personalized training route;

- promote the development of reflection and self-esteem skills among future trainers;

- encourage cooperation and exchange of experience between students.

In technological and methodological terms, the synergetic approach involves a problem-oriented approach to the presentation of educational and training material, the use of so-called resonant teaching methods and their individual psychological and pedagogical support.

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Kolyada M.G., Gorbachev S.S., Belykh S.I., & Donichenko E.Yu. (2023). Formation of self-organization skills of future trainers based on a synergic approach. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, (11), 36–38. извлечено от

