A complex of typical situations of the use of service weapons by police employees to reflect an armed attack


  • Chernykh V.V. Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Tyumen
  • Fischer I.V. Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Tyumen

Ключевые слова:

police, fire training, service weapons, situations, attack.


The developed set of typical situations of using service weapons to repel an armed attack helps improve the level of professional preparedness of police officers.

Библиографические ссылки

On approval of the Manual on the organization of fire training in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation: order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 23, 2017 No. 880// Official Internet portal of legal information. URL: http://www.pravo.gov.ru.

Troyan E.I. Professional'naya podgotovka sotrudnikov organov vnutrennikh del k kompleksnym silovym deystviyam v operativno-sluzhebnykh

situatsiyakh. Tyumen, Tyum. Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2019, 88 p.

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Как цитировать

Chernykh V.V., & Fischer I.V. (2023). A complex of typical situations of the use of service weapons by police employees to reflect an armed attack. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, (12), 5. извлечено от http://tpf1610220.nichost.ru/index.php/TPPC/article/view/894

